Road to Enchantment

The fine art of Joshua Lance

The canvas is my world to an authentic art life at its best. Relying on intuition and life experience creates “visual jazz” as notes become colors.  Furthermore, I paint what I love and that’s made all the difference.

My art and life have become a library of stories I enjoy sharing.

With just a simplified palette of limited colors, I indeed can paint incredible stories with ambition.  Firstly, art and life have become a library of stories I enjoy sharing. With gratitude and a hint of luck, my travels and its encounters have also kept my art spirit alive. Equine, wildlife, landscapes and its inhabitants are all part of my personal journey. Overall, painting my world is documenting the natural rhythm of life, as I’m enjoying the process more each day. It’s time well spent.

Creating art in Santa Fe

Browse my collection of oil paintings

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